

Emergency PPE FacE Shields

In March 2020, I began producing medical face shields based on the OpenFacePPE Project design that was produced in partnership with the NYU COVID-19 Task Force. By the end of April, I produced and distributed almost 10,000 emergency face shields to frontline workers in North and South America.

More info on OpenFacePPE:

I adapted the design to be produced on a commercial vinyl cutter using .010 plastic polyester film and .015” polycarbonate. This allows fast production [up to several hundred an hour from one machine] with little assembly needed. More into my thoughts on the OpenFacePPE design and how I am producing them.


Material: .010” Polyester Laminate Film [Dura-Lar by Grafix]

Download my modified files for vinyl cutters here:
.FS [Flexi]
.AI [Illustrator]